Saturday, February 04, 2006

"Lou, Lou, Lou....Gehrig, Gehrig."

When I was a kid, one of the main signs of spring would be the annual showing of "Pride of the Yankees" and "It Happens Every Spring" on TV. Tonight on TCM they are showing the former as part of their "31 Days of Oscar" celebration and you should watch it. 11pm in our central time zone. The story of Lou Gehrig won the Academy Award for best editing. It amazes me that Gary Cooper didn't win best actor...OK, maybe he wasn't so believable portraying "The Iron Horse" in his prime (Cooper was past 40 when the film was made), however Gehrig was also known as "Biscuit Pants" and Cooper filled that role admirably. The latter film concerns a college professor (Ray Milland) who invents a substance that repels wood and becomes a big league pitcher. Sadly, it did not win the Oscar it was nominated for, best writing. How it did not win for special effects is beyond me...not only does the ball go around the bat every time Milland throws it, but you should see what happens to Paul Douglas' pate when he inadvertently uses the secret substance as a hair tonic!


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